The Former Bad Seed


portrayed by; Raina Hein



Talent[ only 1] : Ballet, before Marrisa went all ‘bad girl’ she was excellent dancer and has a passion for ballet.

Secret{s}; Witnessed a murder, been involved with drugs,dealt drugs, pretends she’s this sex goddess but still a virgin. She and Felicity both took ecstasy that day when she got expelled but Marissa took all the blame because she knew Felicity’s mother was very abusive and only Marissa was expelled

Relationship with felicity;

Signature scent:  Chanel Mademoiselle mixed with a spritz of Dior’s poison and her french martini body butter

Quick bio: Marissa Sinclair is the notorious resident bad girl and makes dramatic return after being unceremoniously kicked out at the end of her sophomore year for getting caught taking ecstasy. For a few months she traveled in South Africa with her dad to film a documentary and she got involved with a handsome local, she helped him deal drugs but then things took a bad turn after a drug deal went wrong and someone got killed. No one knows about this and Marissa made sure to get out of the country before people got suspicious. Marissa’s back and more determined than ever to put her past behind her,focus on her ballet career and snatch the golden boy/one of the headmaster’s sons {which they’re not allowed to date but she loves a challenge} but will her past catch up to her?


The Original Queen Bee


Felicity “Fliss” Chamberlain, would be 17

Portrayed by: Frida Aasen
[ coming soon later]


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